Let’s Make a Game Show! is an interactive, improvised comedy game show. Audience members will receive a chance to compete with us for the stupidest prizes imaginable in hilarious games such as Pong Jovi, ¡Holy Guacamole!, Virtual Super Market Sweep, Pretty Pretty Principal, and much much more. Maybe you’ll get to spin a wheel, and maybe you’ll get to shoot a nerf gun. No two shows are the same. We all make a gameshow together and even we don’t know what will happen.
Comprised of Kyle Coughlin, Michael Kohn, Sam Lowy and Michael Margetis, four born and bred Arizona comedians who have been working together in several different projects for the past 15 years, Pizza Party has taken its brand of comedy all over the country, performing in festivals like San Francisco Sketch Fest, Del Close Marathon, Bird City and Big Pine, in world-famous theaters like Second City Hollywood and UCB New York. Pizza Party Comedy has found its success not only because these boys love comedy (and each other), but because they're always striving to bring something completely unique to the stage. So come have fun with us! It’s a (Pizza) Party!